Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spanish Antarctic Base Juan Carlos I and BIO Hespérides

Covers from the Spanish Antarctic research base Juan Carlos I and the research ship Hespérides. Where are the postmarks? I've received covers from the bases in the past with very nice postmarks. But not this time. There was a third cover from Base Gabriel de Castilla that came back with no markings on it at all: just my address and the stamps. Any kind of hand-stamped postmark would have been acceptable. Oh well. Win some. Lose some.

This past fall I sent out covers to 20 Antarctic research stations. It's always hit or miss. Sometimes you get covers back covered with interesting hand-stamps and signatures from station personnel. Other times you get nothing more than a generic postmark. And many times they simply don't come back. This is probably the last time I do one of these research base campaigns. It's getting expensive and I'm losing interest.

1 comment:

MattLang23 said...

I have received two from Spain as well. Inonly got like you, the vessel marks and not much else, not even something from the bases itself.

I did receive one from the Dutch research base at Rothera tho, with their own mark! So they are still doing covers.