Monday, April 3, 2023

A Postcard from Barbados

The fishing village of Bathsheba on the east coast of Barbados. A postcard from my mother who was visiting Barbados earlier this year. She dropped it off at a mailbox outside the gift shop where she bought it and it was postmarked a very short distance away at the Worthing post office in Bridgetown.

It took a while for this to get to me and I think I can see why. Along with the Worthing postmark is a spray-on Royal Mail "British Heart Foundation" postmark from Birmingham. So it didn't exactly follow a direct path from the Caribbean to Canada. The stamp from 2009 shows a Landship dance performance during the Crop Over festival. Landship is a cultural organization in Barbados and Crop Over is a large annual celebration held at the end of the sugar cane harvest.

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