Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Polch, Germany

From the Rhineland-Palatinate town of Polch. The stamp top right features the Hulk on a 2024 Marvel "Superheros" stamp. I've seen Ironman and Spiderman on stamps from prior years. I assume this one is part of an annual series. The sticker on the bottom left: "Gemeinsam für den Frieden" (together for peace), refers to an initiative by the Volksbund, the German war graves commission, to collect funds to support their work.

1 comment:

JPC said...

Hi Jeff, before the Hulk-issue there were 4 other issues. Look here, I made a cover for my own:
Besides Hulk there will be Marvels "Black- Widow" issue in October. That makes two each year. As far as I know in 2025 there will 2 (Batman & Superman) too.