Monday, January 15, 2024

Troll Station, Norway

Troll is Norway's only year-round Antarctic research station. It is only a few kilometers from the Troll Airfield which means mail get get to and from the base via Capetown very quickly during staff change-over at the beginning of the season. And I guess that's why this got back to be so fast. But no postmark? I was expecting a Tromsø postmark, assuming it would be returned to the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø. Maybe that's not the case. 


MattLang23 said...

Hello Jeff,

I found out that through Reddit, the interest in sending covers to Antarctica has gained more interest. I decided to start a Discord server for everyone interested to share their polar covers and information.

Feel free to join if you like the idea! I also mentioned your awesome website and blog!



MattLang23 said...

I forgot the invite link😅