Friday, January 29, 2021

Ahmedabad, India

Commemorating diplomatic relations between India and the Philippines. On the left, Ganges River Dolphins and on the right, Butanding or Whale Sharks.


Denny, Alaska said...

Congratulations on a superb blog! I "stumbled" upon it while searching for postal addresses to send for covers to be cancelled--specifically, TAAF covers. You have gathered in one place information and addresses for all polar entities that offer cover cancellations, something I've not seen before; well done! I will be taking advantage of the information you've kindly shared over the coming weeks and months. My interest for several years has been U.S. Navy ship covers. The polar regions intrigue me and so I thought I would expand my collecting horizons.
If I may, a question:
- when submitting a cover request, do you ask for two postmarks? I notice that several of your covers have two, identical cancellations: one on the stamp, one stand-alone on the cover.
Again, well done with the blog! Thanks, and I'll be dipping into it over the next weeks and months. Cheers.

Jeff said...

I don't normally ask for two postmarks. I know some people will make very specific requests, even marking on the envelope exactly where they want the postmark. But I rarely do that. TAAF postmasters apply postmarks perfectly each time. And I don't think I've ever had a cover go missing.

If you want covers from the Marion Dufresne, try this address. I last used this address in 2019. The ship does a few research and resupply rotations through the islands every year. Sometimes I just send a cover and ask that it come back from where ever. But you can also mark on the envelope where you want it to come back from.

M. le Commandant du "MARION DUFRESNE"
Courrier Philatélique
c/o Siège des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF)
Rue Gabriel Dejean,
97410 Saint Pierre

I'm glad you found the information useful. Good luck with the covers!